Friday, January 23, 2015


Yess... Origami. Origami- the Japanese art of folding paper into decorative shapes and figures. 

Origami is soo colorful and beautiful. It must be precise to look good. To be 
honest, I've tried it myself and I only know how to make a ring and a ninja star that transforms, yeah, I know, not great. BUT I'M NOT AN EXPERT.

This is an origami magic ball. It is so fun to play with and really hard to make (I tried to make this, I failed). As you see, it looks amazing at the end.

Chalk Art

Chalk Art- a type of art where artists will take chalk and will draw on the streets or anywhere on an open space. They sometimes look like optical illusions  like this one above.

I personally like this art because optical illusions are my favorite things to look at. It looks like its real but it isn't, that's the amazing part (also, Super Mario is my childhood okay.) Maybe you can try chalk art yourself, maybe you can do amazing art work.

Here is the video of how the artist made the Super Mario Bros. picture in a couple of long hours.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Street Art

Street Art- a type of art where people will take spray paint and paint a wall (sort of like a mural). They will do this in streets on the blank side of a wall.

People may make street art to express themselves or to show emotion. Sometimes you may see people spray painting names, numbers, but the best of all, art.